Shibu Dutta, time for the veneration of Goddess Kali is approaching. Only a few days are left. Have you thought any thing about it? Yes, I've been thinking for few days that.. ..I'll take everyone's opinion in this matter. Have you thought of anything? I had sworn last time that my daughters gets married into.. ..a good family then I'll make the arrangements for oblation.. ..and will feed the children. You need not worry on this aspect you better..
Yes, one thing is done. The remaining things needed are the idol of the goddess and.. ..the things needed for veneration. You should not worry about it. Gouranga has been making the idols till date. He'll do it this year too. What are you saying, Madhav? It's not even a year that Gouranga's father has passed away. He can't make idols within one year of his father's death. So, how can he make the idol? Yes, yes, you are right. I had completely forgotten about it. Look, he has come. I've warned you severaltimes to come home before evening. I got late as I was playing. I won't come home ate from tomorrow. What do you have in your hands? Idol of Goddess Saraswati(goddess of learning). Idol of Goddess Saraswati? Let me see.
Take it. Let me see. Be careful, it's still soft. It's very beautiful. Mahesh, from where did you get this idol? Uncle Gopal, the son of thee ldest sister of the rich house.. ..made it for me. So, aunt is back from Kashi? Yes, she returned a couple of days back. The idol is very beautiful. It looks lively. We can ask him to make the idol of the goddess. Yes, that can be done. But will he make it? That's the question. Okay, let's ask Gopal Chandra and find out. I don't think he'll disappoint. Okay. Let's go. I've understood everything. But making the idolof the Goddess.. no.. no.. ..it's a difficult job.
If I make any mistake ,goddess will get angry. She'll curse this village. No, I can't make such a big mistake. Don't worry, Mother knows everything. She can understand everything. Start making Her idol. Okay, since you insist I'll start making the idol. What's the matter, Landlord? Why are you here at this hour? Who are they? They appear to be from decent families. Yes, they are my ancestors. He is Dev Dutta. The first man of our family. He started the institution of landlords. Who is he? He is the second in line, Chandra Dutta. And he is.. - Everyone knows him. He is Hari Dutta, your father. What's the matter, landlord? Why are you standing in front of the photos of your ancestors? Had you dreamt of them last night?- No. that's not the case. I'm thinking of something else. What is it? Famous painters had painted these photos of my ancestors.
Oh! Okay. Now I understand it. Now you want your painting to be done by some renowned artist. Isn't it? - Right. Where will I get an artist who will paint my picture without.. ..taking any money? Don't worry, landlord. I know one such artist. He is very calm and quiet. We can fool him. Who is he? The youngest son of aunt from the big house, Gopal. He has recently returned from Kashi with his mother. He is making the idol of Goddess Kali for the veneration.. ..in the village. I've heard that when he was in Kashi he learnt painting, sculpting.. .. and many other things from some renowned artist. Okay, ask the boy to come. Okay, I'll bring hima long in the evening. Okay. Come, brother, come. Tarapa da, come. Is he Gopal? - Yes, landlord. Great! Great! Listen Gopal ,I want you to make a painting of mine. What kind of painting? That I'm seated on a throne and ruling like king. Okay landlord, I'll do it.
But for that you need to sit in front of me for long hour for some days. It' cost 50 gold coins. Don't worry about the remuneration. If you can draw well I'll give you 100 and not just 50 gold coins. When will you start working? From day after tomorrow.- Okay. That's final. You can go now.- As you order, landlord. Good bye. Greetings, landlord. I've come. Come, come. Why are you late? The landlord's legs have started hurting as he was waiting for you. Actually, I had some work which took time, so I'm late. Okay. Okay. I will sit like this. You start. Okay, I' start. Finally a very old wish of our landlord will be fulfilled. You are right. Sit quietly, I' start painting. - Start. Greetings, landlord. - What's the news? The accountant wants to meet you. I won't be able to talk to anyone right now. Ask him to come later.- As you order, landlord. What's the matter? I feel you've got some physical problem. Yes Tarapa da, you are right. My legs are hurting. Gopal, how long will I have to sit? A little while longer. Have patience.
Hurry up. Hurry up. I'm impatient sitting like this for a long time. The work is over for today. I'll come tomorrow and complete the painting. Does the landlord have to sit again in this manner? Yes, he has to. I'll go now, I'll come tomorrow .Goodbye. How long will you take to finish the painting? Landlord, it's almost done. I'm eager to see the painting. I've heard praises of your work. Gopal, when will you finish the painting? Landlord, the work is over for today. You'll get the painting tomorrow evening. I'll go now. Goodbye. Greetings, landlord. There, there is Gopal Chandra. Let me see the painting. Yes, I'm eager to see the painting. Yes. Take a look. What happened, landlord? Landlord has fallen sick. Dacoit. Dacoit.
What are you saying? What are you saying, landlord? - What are you saying, landlord? Is it our landlord or some dacoit? The painting is so ugly. The landlord has such bright fair complexion. You've painted him dark like a crow. Dark? No, the complexion is the painting is fair. Ask him to go .Ask him to go. Ask him to go from here. Yes, yes, go from here. Go. Go. Come tomorrow morning and bring your painting materials along. Okay. I'll go now. Come on, give the painting .Give the painting. Go. Go from here. Go. Greetings, Landlord. Listen Gopal ,your painting was not at all good. I'll give you one more chance. Let me see how well you can paint. As you order, landlord. Sit properly. This time I won't sit, I'll stand like this. Come on, draw. - Yes, I'll start. Gopal Chandra ,try to retain my reputation and.. ..don't draw something like yesterday. I was really..
I couldn't sleep at night. I saw the face of the dacoit in my dreams and woke up several times. I was about to shout 'Robber !Robber!' after I saw the painting. You became sick right at that time. Gopal, is it the image of some robber from Kashi? No, believe me landlord ,it was your image and not of any dacoit. Don't argue. Don't argue. Accept your mistake. How will you become a great artist if you don't accept your mistake? Landlord, most of the work is done. I'll finish the rest at night and bring it tomorrow. - Okay. Do it. But remember not to draw a big moustache, dark complexion.. ..just like a dacoit .Got it? - Yes, landlord. Tarapa da, come, come. You've brought Gopal along with you?- Yes, landlord. I was coming through his house and so brought him along. I couldn't resist myself from seeing your painting. Right. Right.
Show me. Show me the painting. Take a look. What is this? He looks like the security guard at the gate. Tall, dark and thin. No! No! Gopal, what sort of ugly painting is this? Ugly painting? Why? It has a nose just like you ,eye just like you, your complexion, Everything is fine. Do you think I'm a fool or a small boy that I'll accept whatever.. ..you try to explain? Listen Gopal , you've wasted my precious time. So, I must imprison you as a punishment. No! No! Have mercy, landlord !Have mercy! Don't punish me. Landlord, I've my old and helpless mother at home. There is no one except me to take care of her. - Okay. I give you time till tomorrow morning. Draw a flawless picture of mine. Otherwise you'll be in problem. Okay, landlord. Give the painting .Give the painting. Go. Time to worship Goddess Kali has come. Isn't it? Yes, you are right.
This year uncle Gopal is making the idol of Goddess Kali. Mahesh, let's go and see it. Not a bad idea. Let's go. - Let's go. Let's go. Uncle Gopal. Uncle Gopal. Where has he gone? Let's go and check inthe room over there, Mahesh. Yes, yes, he must be making the idol over there. There is uncle Gopal. Uncle Gopal. Uncle Gopal. What has happened ,uncle Gopal, why are you crying? Mahesh, Mahesh. I'm ruined. Will you just cryor say what has happened? Yes, yes, I'll say. About 4 days back the assistantof the landlord came and.. ..forcefully took meto the landlord's house. After going there the landlord told me.. 'I wish to get my painting drawn.' 'Okay, landlord.' Oh no! He is so mean. Shame! Shame! Uncle has come back to the village after along time. So, he has fooled himand taken away two paintings. Yes. He wants to usurpt he third painting too. I've a plan to teach him a lesson.
Uncle, take a big mirror covered with a cloth to his house. Mirror? How will that help, Mahesh? Why? Show him his image. Image that looks exactly like our landlord. I didn't get you. Okay, listen to me. Have you understood? Yes, I have. I'll go to the landlord' shouse tomorrow morning. Yes, go. Greetings landlord. - Come. Come. Let me see the image. Take a look. What is this? This is a mirror. That's right but you can see a flawless reflection of your image in it. That's right. But.. Can you see any flaw, landlord? Flaw? Flaw? No, I mean..
So, you've seena flawless image of yours. Give me my remuneration 100 gold coins. What if I don't pay you? Then you've to show the paintings drawn by me earlier.. ..to the important and respected people of village and.. ..prove that the paintings have flaws in them. If everyone says tha they are flawless then.. ..you've to give me 200gold coins for two painting. I hope you've understood ?Decide for yourself. Will you give 100 gold coins for this third picture or will.. ..you call everyone and decide the quality of my painting. If my painting is proved to have flaws then I'll accept your punishment. But, if my painting is proved to be flawless then.. ..you need to pay me 200 gold coins ,landlord. Okay. You've taught me a lesson today. If I ever get a chancel I'll teach you a lesson. Okay, teach me a lesson when you get a chance. I'll go now. Goodbye.
Labels: Fairytale